Welcome to the Westmorland Dales Festival 2024!

Welcome to the Westmorland Dales Festival

Join us for our annual celebration of the landscape, heritage and people of the wonderful Westmorland Dales! This is our seventh year (not counting the Covid years) and our second as a two-day Festival. We have a packed programme of events, exploration and entertainment in store, and are delighted to be welcoming back many familiar faces as well as introducing new ones.

You’ll be able to have a go at new crafts at workshops with Cumbria Wildlife Trust, Kirkby Stephen Community Arts and Lakeland Arts; join guided walks with Walkers are Welcome, Friends of the Lake District and Crosby Garrett historians; or simply enjoy the live music and browse the Festival fair. Meet local artists, makers and producers, and find out more about local conservation and community groups and how you can get involved with their work. 

For children, young people and families there’ll be wild play by the river Eden with Stomping Ground; nature activities at Jubilee Park; games and crafts at Kirkby Stephen Youth Centre; a vintage merry-go-round and treasure hunt; and the chance to learn circus skills with juggler and festival regular Matt Tiffany.

 Stainmore railway will be open on both days of the Festival; Winton Park gardens will be open on the Saturday; and Western Dales minibuses and Cumbria Classic Coaches will run a shuttle service between attractions.

All events are free of charge except where specified, and we are as ever enormously grateful to all the supporters and sponsors who help make this possible.

Find out what's on when and where below, or on our Events page, and have a wonderful Festival weekend!

Vivienne Littlefair, Chair, and the Westmorland Dales Festival team

Photographs above © ① Stomping Ground ② Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership

③ & ④ Kirkby Stephen Walkers are Welcome ⑤WDF

Photograph right © WDF

Nateby in the Westmorland Dales

What's happening so far at this year's Festival


Events taking place all weekend.
More to come - keep checking back!

Stainmore Railway Company

Discover Kirkby Stephen's historic station and steam railway

Guided walks with Walkers are Welcome

Meet Kirkby Stephen's Walkers are Welcome group, and join one (or more!) of their guided walks

Eden Valley Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers

An exhibition of work by members of the Eden Valley Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers. Kirkby Stephen

Festival shuttle bus service

Hop on board one of our Festival buses to travel between sites

Self-guided walks

Pick up a leaflet from the Upper Eden Visitor Centre and explore Kirkby Stephen and the nearby countryside at your own pace


Events taking place on Saturday 27 July.
More to come - keep checking back!

Kirkby Stephen Youth Centre

Fun and games and crafts at Kirkby Stephen Youth Centre

Walkers are Welcome guided walk: Lady Anne’s Way, Mallerstang

A beautiful walk along the infant River Eden, exploring Pendragon Castle, St Mary's Church and other sites of historic and historic interest along the way

Walkers are Welcome guided walk: Jubilee Park via Wharton circular

An easy but scenic walk, taking in Stenkrith Falls, Nateby deer park and Wharton Hall

Discover Crosby Garrett

Discover a traditional Westmorland village, hardly changed in centuries, with a choice of two guided walks

Jubilee Park Open Day

Enjoy family activities and nature workshops followed by a guided tour of Kirkby Stephen's Jubilee Park

Construct a Creature with Lakeland Arts

Lakeland Arts leads this drop-in activity, giving festivalgoers of all ages the chance to contribute to their very own eco-exhibition

Friends of the Lake District guided walk: Little Asby Common

Explore the geology, archaeology and natural history of Little Asby Common with Friends of the Lake District

Drawing Hope: flag-making with artist Ursula Hurst

Join Ursula Hurst to make a flag for the 'Drawing Hope' installation in Kirkby Stephen


Events taking place on Sunday 28 July.
More to come - keep checking back!

Stomping Ground

A day of wild play in Kirkby Stephen, by the river Eden

Matt Tiffany

Circus skills workshops and all-day entertainment in Kirkby Stephen with juggler Matt Tiffany

The Festival Fair: Kirkby Stephen's Parish Church and its grounds, and the Market Square

Meet local artists, makers and producers as well as community and conservation groups

Cumbria Wildlife Trust drop-in print session

Learn how to make gelli prints with Julia Garner, Cumbria Wildlife Trust's artist in residence. Kirkby Stephen

Walkers are Welcome guided walk: History of Kirkby Stephen through its Buildings

Explore some of Kirkby Stephen's most historic streets and architecture

Winton Park Gardens

Catch a Cumbria Classic Coach to these glorious gardens, just outside Kirkby Stephen

Live music

A great mix of local bands and community groups playing throughout the day

Diana Denney

Find Diana, our itinerant songstress, on Church Green at 11.15, then playing around town

The Lidos

Playing a mixture of fifties and sixties classic tunes, perfect for singing along to! On Church Green from 14:00

Reuben's Train

Playing an effortless blend of gypsy jazz, folk, bluegrass and reggae grooves on Church Green from 15:00

Furrow Green Writers

Local writing group Furrow Green Writers look forward to sharing recent pieces of their work

Bill Raine

Music straight from the heart. On Church Green from 13:00 on Sunday 28 July

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